Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Can our clients identify authentic digital documents?
    Yes, they can easily identify the SGS Digital Signature to make sure than the document they are holding has not been edited. The image below should be present on our digitally signed documents.
  2. Can we access SGSonSite from anywhere in the world?
    Yes, each and every SGSonSite staff, as long as he/she has internet, can access from anywhere in the world.


  1. Can our clients print eCertificates from anywhere in the world?
    Yes, as our eCertificates are in Adobe Acrobat document format. They can take colour print from anywhere in the world.
  2. A client's name or a company's name is not found on SGSonSite, how can we add a new company and client name?
    You may contact CustomerCare to request the addition of a new client.
  3. Our SGS Office would like to start using eCertificates, what do we need to do?
    Go to the User Account Creation SharePoint site to request for user access. Indicate in the form that you need training to learn how to get started in eCertificate issuance.
  4. Can a user who created an eCertificate approve the same eCertificate?
    No, this is not allowed by the SGS Internal Audit team. A different authorized approver must approve the eCertificate.
  5. Can we have guidelines for certificate creation?
    Yes, the eCertificate Best Practices Guide will guide you during the preparation of eCertificates. This is always available at the Create an ecertificate page.
  6. The title of the eCertificate is aligned at the center but it automatically appears in the left hand side after final issuance.
    Click Enter before the title of the certificate and then align the title to center or with the help of Spacebar (on the keyboard), you can drag it to the center.
  7. What is the page setup of eFindings when I create an eCertificate?
    Margins - Top - 2.25", Bottom - 1.37", Left - 0.5", Right - 0.5", Gutter - 0", Gutter position - Left
    Page Size - A4, Width - 8.27", Height - 11.69"
    Layout - Header - 0.47", Footer - 0.15"
  8. What is the maximum file size of each eFindings?
    Try to minimize the eFindings file size to less than 1 megabyte for faster conversion time into PDF format and subsequently downloading.
  9. Can we download more than 1 eCerticate at a time?
    Yes. When at the eCertificate Search page, select all the eCertificate for downloading and then click Download Selected Files (at the bottom of the page).
  10. What is the standard font style and size during creation of certificate in Word format?
    The standard font style is normal + Arial and font size is 11px.


  1. Can eReport attachments be converted to PDF?
    No, conversion of attachments to PDF should be done at the user's local PC.
  2. What type of files can I attach?
    The following can be uploaded:
    • PDF
    • MS-Word
    • MS-Excel
    • MS-PowerPoint
    • Zip
  3. Up to how many files can I attach per eReport?
    You can attach up to 6 files for each eReport. If more than 6 files need to be uploaded, you can archive the files in a zip file and then attach the zip file instead.